How to Use uric acid in a Sentence
uric acid
The uric acid cured the oil into what looked like linoleum.
—Craig Taylor, Curbed, 23 Mar. 2021
Gout flares up because of high uric acid levels in your body.
—Anne Harding, Health, 25 Aug. 2023
Around Christmas, my doctor ran a blood test that showed my uric acid was high.
—Dr. Keith Roach, oregonlive, 26 Apr. 2021
Peas are a source of purines, which can increase the amount of uric acid in your blood and potentially lead to a gout flare-up.
—Emily Abbate, GQ, 5 Mar. 2018
Tart cherry juice has been shown to reduce the risk of gout, a type of arthritis caused by uric acid crystals in the joint, by about 35%.
—Dr. Keith Roach, oregonlive, 31 Jan. 2023
Gaffo started the patient on a medicine that allowed the kidneys to do a better job of ridding the body of uric acid.
—Lisa Sanders, M.d., New York Times, 31 Aug. 2017
The white part is actually uric acid, a solid form of urine.
—Claire Thornton, USA TODAY, 20 Sep. 2024
The lithium appeared to have a protective effect against the uric acid.
—Paul Raeburn, Discover Magazine, 31 July 2010
My uric acid levels along with all other vitals were in the normal range.
—Philip Ellis, Men's Health, 6 May 2022
Gout is caused by deposits of uric acid crystals in various tissues of the body.
—Dr. Keith Roach, oregonlive, 16 Dec. 2021
Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis caused by buildup of uric acid, which can erode bones.
—Katie Hunt, CNN, 23 Sep. 2021
Mammals excrete their nitrogenous waste as urea in pee, but birds excrete it as uric acid in a sticky white paste.
—David Treuer, Harper's Magazine, 26 Oct. 2021
The female’s is a spiral blob, ⅜-inch in diameter, more or less similar to a snail shell, and white on one end, the result of uric acid.
—Popular Science, 23 Jan. 2020
They are made up of uric acid, an end product of normal metabolism.
—Vincent Iannelli, Parents, 10 July 2024
David Lee’s unnamed character has just arrived from a place whose main exports are sarcasm and uric acid.
—Matthew J. Palm,, 14 May 2018
Gout is a unique type of arthritis characterized by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints.
—Sara Novak, Discover Magazine, 11 Jan. 2024
One high in animal protein such as beef, chicken, fish and pork may increase acid levels in the urine because meat breaks down into uric acid, which can help form stones.
—Marcos Del Rosario-Santiago,, 11 July 2019
These typically form when there is an abundance of calcium, oxalate or uric acid in the kidney.
—Claire Bugos, Discover Magazine, 16 June 2021
Earlier this year, a study found that when people pee in pools, uric acid binds with chlorine and produces harmful chemicals—even if pros like Ryan Lochte and Michael Phelps do it all the time.
—Eric Brown, Outside Online, 19 May 2014
The birds also had lower dissolved calcium in their bloodstream and more uric acid, which could be signs of kidney disfunction.
—Jason Daley, Smithsonian, 5 Aug. 2019
Gout is a type of arthritis that occurs when uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints, causing sudden, severe pain.
—Sarah Jividen, Verywell Health, 10 Sep. 2024
Gout is a painful form of arthritis defined by inflammation and the accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints.
—Nick Blackmer, Verywell Health, 22 Mar. 2023
Mosquitoes also sniff for traces of lactic acid, uric acid and ammonia, all components of sweat.
—Scott Lafee, San Diego Union-Tribune, 6 Sep. 2022
When the body is severely dehydrated, calcium and uric acid in urine form crystals, scarring the kidneys.
—Gerry Shih, Washington Post, 6 Jan. 2023
In about half of those who had taken it, the drug melted away the crystalline uric acid deposits that encrusted their joints to cause years of pain, immobility, or disfigurement.
—Arthur Allen, Fortune, 13 Apr. 2023
The non-toxic extract of uric acid is known for its healing, soothing, and anti-irritating properties.
—Braelyn Wood,, 13 Dec. 2019
Its modern name comes from the Latin gutta, a drop of fluid, a term first recorded in the 13th century by an English monk, suggesting that the body’s phlegm had overflowed and flooded the joint — not so far-off from the actual surfeit of uric acid.
—Ligaya Mishan, New York Times, 13 Nov. 2020
Birds that ingested more plastic had lower blood calcium levels, along with higher levels of cholesterol and uric acid.
—Matthew Savoca, The Conversation, 21 Mar. 2023
People who have the bad luck to produce excess amounts of lactic acid, uric acid and ammonia, for example, are walking delicacies.
—Cody Cottier, Discover Magazine, 19 July 2019
Gout is an exquisitely painful type of arthritis, which flares when uric acid crystals settle into people’s joints, causing red-hot bouts of severe inflammation.
—Peter Ubel, Forbes, 1 Mar. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'uric acid.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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